Results for 'Mark A. Buchanan'

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  1.  74
    Evolutionary design of a DDPD model of ligation.Mark A. Bedau & Andrew Buchanan - unknown
    Ligation is a form of chemical self-assembly that involves dynamic formation of strong covalent bonds in the presence of weak associative forces. We study an extremely simple form of ligation by means of a dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) model extended to include the dynamic making and breaking of strong bonds, which we term dynamically bonding dissipative particle dynamics (DDPD). Then we use a chemical genetic algorithm (CGA) to optimize the model’s parameters to achieve a limited form of ligation of trimers—a (...)
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    The Flexible Balance of Evolutionary Novelty and Memory in the Face of Environmental Catastrophes.Andrew Buchanan & Mark A. Bedau - unknown
    We study the effects of environmental catastrophes on the evolution of a population of sensory-motor agents with individually evolving mutation rates, and compare these effects in a variety of control systems. A catastrophe makes the balance shift toward the need for evolutionary novelty, and we observe the mutation rate evolve upwards. As the population adapts the sensory-motor strategies to the new environment and the balance shifts toward a need for evolutionary memory, the mutation rate falls. These observations support the hypothesis (...)
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    Bribery in International Business Transactions.Christopher Baughn, Nancy L. Bodie, Mark A. Buchanan & Michael B. Bixby - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):15-32.
    Globalization leads to cross-border business transactions between societies with very different norms and regulations regarding bribery. Bribery in international business transactions can be seen as a function of not only the demand for such bribes in different countries, but the supply, or willingness to provide bribes by multinational firms and their representatives. This study addresses the propensity of firms from 30 different countries to engage in international bribery. The study incorporates both domestic (economic development, culture, and domestic corruption in the (...)
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    Small world: uncovering nature's hidden networks.Mark Buchanan - 2002 - New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Most of us have had the experience of running into a friend of a friend far away from home - and feeling that the world is somehow smaller than it should be. We usually write off such unlikely encounters as coincidence, even though it seems to happen with uncanny frequency. According to a handful of physicists at Los Alamos and other cutting-edge research labs around the world, it turns out that this 'small-world' phenomenon is no coincidence at all. Rather, it (...)
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    Ubiquity: the science of history, or why the world is simpler than we think.Mark Buchanan - 2000 - London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Scientists have recently discovered a new law of nature. Its footprints are virtually everywhere - in the spread of forest fires, mass extinctions, traffic jams, earthquakes, stock-market fluctuations, the rise and fall of nations, and even trends in fashion, music and art. Wherever we look, the world is modelled on a simple template: like a steep pile of sand, it is poised on the brink of instability, with avalanches - in events, ideas or whatever - following a universal pattern of (...)
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    Niche Construction and the Toolkits of Hunter–Gatherers and Food Producers.Mark Collard, Briggs Buchanan, April Ruttle & Michael J. O’Brien - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (3):251-259.
    In the study reported here we examined the impact of population size and two proxies of risk of resource failure on the diversity and complexity of the food-getting toolkits of hunter–gatherers and small-scale food producers. We tested three hypotheses: the risk hypothesis, the population-size hypothesis, and a hypothesis derived from niche construction theory. Our analyses indicated that the toolkits of hunter–gatherers are more affected by risk than are the toolkits of food producers. They also showed that the toolkits of food (...)
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    The meaning of suffering in human life.Buchanan Blake - 1922 - Paisley,: A. Gardner.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  8. Whose will is it, anyway? A discussion of advance directives, personal identity, and consensus in medical ethics.Mark G. Kuczewski - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (1):27–48.
    ABSTRACTI consider objections to the use of living wills based upon the discontinuity of personal identity between the time of the execution of the directive anbd the time the person becomes incompetent. Recent authors, following Derek Parfit's “Complex View” of personal identity, have argued that there is often not sufficient identity interests between the competent person who executes the living will and the incompetent patient to warrant the use of the advance directive. I argue that such critics err by seeking (...)
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    Underdetermination, domain restriction, and theory choice.Mark Bowker - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (2):205-220.
    It is often possible to know what a speaker intends to communicate without knowing what they intend to say. In such cases, speakers need not intend to say anything at all. Stanley and Szabó's influential survey of possible analysis of quantifier domain restriction is, therefore, incomplete and the arguments made by Clapp and Buchanan against Truth Conditional Compositionality and propositional speaker-meaning are flawed. Two theories should not always be viewed as incompatible when they associate the same utterance with different (...)
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  10.  15
    Deleuze and New Technology.David Savat & Mark Poster (eds.) - 2009 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Explores how Deleuze's philosophy can help us to understand our digital and biotechnological futuresIn a world where our lives are increasingly mediated by technologies, we need to pay more attention to Deleuze's often explicit focus onour reliance on the machine and the technological. These essays are a collective and determined effort to explore the usefulness Deleuze in thinking about our present and future relianceon technology. At the same time, they take seriously a style of thinking that negotiates between philosophy, science (...)
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  11. Reactionary attitudes: Strawson, Twitter, and the Black Lives Matter Movement.Anastasia Chan, Marinus Ferreira & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - In Fernando Aguiar-Gonzalez & Antonio Gaitan (eds.), Experimental Methods in Moral Philosophy. Routledge.
    On 25 May 2020, Officer Derek Chauvin asphyxiated George Floyd in Minneapolis — a murder that was captured in a confronting nine-minute bystander video that set off a firestorm of activity on online social networks, in the streets of the United States, and even worldwide. These protests captured the collective rage, dissatisfaction, and resentment personally and vicariously experienced towards the widespread systematic injustice and mistreatment of African Americans by police and vigilantes. The scale of these protests, both online and in (...)
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  12. The nature of life.Mark A. Bedau - 1996 - In Margaret A. Boden (ed.), The philosophy of artificial life. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 332--357.
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  13. Toward a theory of episodic memory: The frontal lobes and autonoetic consciousness.Mark A. Wheeler, Stuss, T. Donald & Endel Tulving - 1997 - Psychological Bulletin 121:331-54.
  14.  39
    Toward a method of selecting among computational models of cognition.Mark A. Pitt, In Jae Myung & Shaobo Zhang - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):472-491.
  15. Heidegger and Unconcealment: Truth, Language, and History.Mark A. Wrathall - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book includes ten essays that trace the notion of unconcealment as it develops from Heidegger's early writings to his later work, shaping his philosophy of truth, language and history. 'Unconcealment' is the idea that what entities are depends on the conditions that allow them to manifest themselves. This concept, central to Heidegger's work, also applies to worlds in a dual sense: first, a condition of entities manifesting themselves is the existence of a world; and second, worlds themselves are disclosed. (...)
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  16.  70
    Heidegger, Authenticity, and Modernity: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Mark A. Wrathall & Jeff Malpas (eds.) - 2000 - MIT Press.
    For more than a quarter of a century, Hubert L. Dreyfus has been the leading voice in American philosophy for the continuing relevance of phenomenology, particularly as developed by Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Dreyfus has influenced a generation of students and a wide range of colleagues, and these volumes are an excellent representation of the extent and depth of that influence.In keeping with Dreyfus's openness to others' ideas, many of the essays in this volume take the form (...)
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  17. Toward A Physical Theory of the Source of Religion.Mark A. Schroll & Stephan A. Schwartz - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (1):56-69.
    Huston Smith has argued that the universal source of wholeness, which he refers to as the primordial tradition, is essential to a meaningful life. Indeed embracing this tradition is, said Smith, an act of rejoining the human race. Our current forms of organized religion offer us ritualized expressions of this tradition, yet often fail to provide us with transpersonal growth; it is this transpersonal growth that reconnects us with the source of religion. This essay differentiates mainstream religion from a way (...)
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  18. Trivial Tasks that Consume a Lifetime: Kierkegaard on Immortality and Becoming Subjective.Mark A. Wrathall - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (3-4):419-441.
    S. Kierkegaard argued that our highest task as humans is to realize an “intensified” or “developed” form of subjectivity—his name for self-responsible agency. A self-responsible agent is not only responsible for her actions. She also bears responsibility for the individual that she is. In this paper, I review Kierkegaard’s account of the role that our capacity for reflective self-evaluation plays in making us responsible for ourselves. It is in the exercise of this capacity that we can go from being subjective (...)
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  19.  28
    Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    For fifty years Hubert Dreyfus has done pioneering work which brings phenomenology and existentialism to bear on the philosophical and scientific study of the mind. This is a selection of his most influential essays, developing his critique of the representational model of the mind in analytical philosophy of mind and mainstream cognitive science.
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  20.  59
    Currents in Contemporary Ethics: Improve Privacy in Research by Eliminating Informed Consent? IOM Report Misses the Mark.Mark A. Rothstein - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (3):507-512.
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  21.  98
    A Closer Look At Leibniz’s Alleged Reduction of Relations.Mark A. Kulstad - 1980 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):417-432.
  22.  25
    The Brain From 25000 Feet: High Level Explorations of Brain Complexity, Perception, Innateness and Vagueness.Mark A. Changizi - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book is a must-read for researchers interested in taking a high-level, non-mechanistic approach to answering age-old fundamental questions in the brain ...
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  23. Heidegger and truth as correspondence.Mark A. Wrathall - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (1):69 – 88.
    I argue in this paper that Heidegger, contrary to the view of many scholars, in fact endorsed a view of truth as a sort of correspondence. I first show how it is a mistake to take Heidegger's notion of 'unconcealment' as a definition of propositional truth. It is thus not only possible but also essential to disambiguate Heidegger's use of the word 'truth', which he occasionally used to refer to both truth as it is ordinarily understood and unconcealment understood as (...)
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    Against Mentalism in Teleology.Mark A. Bedau - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):61 - 70.
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  25. The Brain from 25,000 Feet: High Level Explorations of Brain Complexity, Perception, Induction and Vagueness.Mark A. Changizi - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):277-285.
  26.  78
    Emergent models of supple dynamics in life and mind.Mark A. Bedau - 1997 - Brain and Cognition 34:5-27.
    The dynamical patterns in mental phenomena have a characteristic suppleness&emdash;a looseness or softness that persistently resists precise formulation&emdash;which apparently underlies the frame problem of artificial intelligence. This suppleness also undermines contemporary philosophical functionalist attempts to define mental capacities. Living systems display an analogous form of supple dynamics. However, the supple dynamics of living systems have been captured in recent artificial life models, due to the emergent architecture of those models. This suggests that analogous emergent models might be able to explain (...)
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  27.  46
    The Cambridge companion to Heidegger's Being and time.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Companion begins with a section-by-section overview of Being and Time and a chapter reviewing the genesis of this seminal work. The final chapter situates Being and Time in the context of Heidegger's later work.
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    Comparative Approaches to Biobanks and Privacy.Mark A. Rothstein, Bartha Maria Knoppers & Heather L. Harrell - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):161-172.
    Laws in the 20 jurisdictions studied for this project display many similar approaches to protecting privacy in biobank research. Although few have enacted biobank-specific legislation, many countries address biobanking within other laws. All provide for some oversight mechanisms for biobank research, even though the nature of that oversight varies between jurisdictions. Most have some sort of controlled access system in place for research with biobank specimens. While broad consent models facilitate biobanking, countries without national or federated biobanks have been slow (...)
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  29.  29
    California Takes the Lead on Data Privacy Law.Mark A. Rothstein & Stacey A. Tovino - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (5):4-5.
    In the early 1970s, Congress considered enacting comprehensive privacy legislation, but it was unable to do so. In 1974, it passed the Privacy Act, applicable only to information in the possession of the federal government. In the intervening years, other information privacy laws enacted by Congress, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, have been weak and sector specific. With the explosion of information technology and the growing concerns about an absence of effective federal privacy laws, the legal (...)
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  30.  76
    Does Consent Bias Research?Mark A. Rothstein & Abigail B. Shoben - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (4):27 - 37.
    Researchers increasingly rely on large data sets of health information, often linked with biological specimens. In recent years, the argument has been made that obtaining informed consent for conducting records-based research is unduly burdensome and results in ?consent bias.? As a type of selection bias, consent bias is said to exist when the group giving researchers access to their data differs from the group denying access. Therefore, to promote socially beneficial research, it is argued that consent should be unnecessary. After (...)
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  31. The limits of public health: A response.Mark A. Rothstein - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):84-88.
    Boehl Chair of Law and Medicine and Director of the Institute for Bioethics, Health Policy and Law, University of Louisville School of Medicine, 501 East Broadway # 310, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, USA. Tel.: 502 852 4980; Fax: 502 852 4963; Email: mark.rothstein{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract In his article in this issue, Daniel Goldberg advocates a broad definition of public health and expressly rejects the narrow definition of public health I proposed in (...)
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  32.  51
    Ethical Issues in Big Data Health Research: Currents in Contemporary Bioethics.Mark A. Rothstein - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):425-429.
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    Global model analysis by parameter space partitioning.Mark A. Pitt, Woojae Kim, Daniel J. Navarro & Jay I. Myung - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):57-83.
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    “I” “here” and “you” “there”: Heidegger on Existential Spatiality and the “Volatilized” Self.Mark A. Wrathall - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):223-234.
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  35. Vagueness and Computation: A Theory of Why there is Vagueness.Mark A. Changizi - 1999 - Acta Analytica 14 (1):39--45.
  36. Epigenetic Exceptionalism.Mark A. Rothstein - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):733-736.
    Emerging fields of science often create new challenges for ethics and law. In assessing the broader societal implications of scientific discoveries, a reasonable analytical starting point is determining how the discoveries compare with existing science. If the new field is substantially similar to an established one, then the ethical and legal analyses are likely to be comparable. On the other hand, if the new scientific developments are extraordinary in kind or degree, then a new analytical framework and new approaches to (...)
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  37.  25
    International Health Research after Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner.Mark A. Rothstein - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):5-6.
    On October 6, 2015, in Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner, the European Court of Justice, the European Union's highest court, held that the fifteen-year-old Safe Harbor Framework Agreement with the United States was invalid. Under the agreement, about forty-five hundred American companies each year self-certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that they were in compliance with the essential privacy protections of the European Union, and therefore it was permissible for entities in the European Union to send personal data to (...)
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    Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy.Mark A. Drumbl - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Child soldiers are generally perceived as faultless, passive victims. This ignores that the roles of child soldiers vary, from innocent abductee to wilful perpetrator. This book argues that child soldiers should be judged on their actions and that treating them like a homogenous group prevents them from taking responsibility for their acts.
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    Truth, rationality, and the situation.Mark A. Notturno - 1998 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 28 (3):400-421.
    The Rationality Principle says that people act adequately to their situation, but does not specify how they must act in order to do so. Situational Analysis uses the Rationality Principle, together with a model of the social situation, to explain actions in the past. Unlike Rational Choice Theory, Situational Analysis does not try to predict or influence actions in the future. Popper regarded the Rationality Principle as false, but thought that we should use it nonetheless. This poses a problem for (...)
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    A moral case for the social relations of slavery.Mark A. Noll - 2007 - Modern Intellectual History 4 (1):191-204.
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    Lessons Learned from Students' Research Experiences.Mark A. Earley - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (1):Article E1.
    Teaching graduate students how to do research can be a challenge for many instructors because "research education" is not an established field of research like other areas of teaching such as mathematics education, nursing education, science education, and statistics education. There are no scholarly journals devoted solely to teaching research methods; these sources are instead scattered across disciplines and journals (e.g., Nurse Researcher, Volume 13, Number 2, 2005; Sociology, Volume 15, Issue 4, 1981; and Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Volume (...)
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  42.  27
    How children block learning from ignorant speakers.Mark A. Sabbagh & Dana Shafman - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):415-422.
  43.  46
    (2 other versions)The Role of IRBs in Research Involving Commerical Biobanks.Mark A. Rothstein - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (1):105-108.
    In the post-genome world of biomedical research, an increasingly common research strategy is to focus on large repositories of biological specimens. There are now several well-known efforts to compile vast collections of biological materials, reanalyze extant samples, collect new ones, and link the samples to medical records. The significant issues of law, ethics, and policy raised by these research activities usually are heightened when commercial enterprises play a leading role in accumulating and distributing the samples. Emerging companies are not only (...)
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  44. Cryptographic hash functions based on ALife.Mark A. Bedau, Richard Crandall & Michael J. Raven - 2009 - Psipress.
    There is a long history of cryptographic hash functions, i.e. functions mapping variable-length strings to fixed-length strings, and such functions are also expected to enjoy certain security properties. Hash functions can be effected via modular arithmetic, permutation-based schemes, chaotic mixing, and so on. Herein we introduce the notion of an artificial-life (ALife) hash function (ALHF), whereby the requisite mixing action of a good hash function is accomplished via ALife rules that give rise to complex evolution of a given system. Various (...)
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    Structural Challenges of Precision Medicine.Mark A. Rothstein - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):274-279.
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    Currents in Contemporary Ethics GINA, the ADA, and Genetic Discrimination in Employment.Mark A. Rothstein - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (4):837-840.
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    Is Deidentification Sufficient to Protect Health Privacy in Research?Mark A. Rothstein - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (9):3-11.
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  48. 3 Weak Emergence and Context-Sensitive Reduction.Mark A. Bedau - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--46.
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  49. Introduction: Metaphysics and Onto-Theology.Mark A. Wrathall - 2003 - In Religion After Metaphysics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--6.
  50.  44
    Currents in Contemporary Ethics: Research Privacy Under HIPAA and the Common Rule.Mark A. Rothstein - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (1):154-159.
    For nearly twenty-five years, federal regulation of privacy issues in research involving human subjects was the primary province of the federal rule for Protection of Human Subjects. As of April 14, 2003, the compliance date for the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, however, the Common Rule and the Privacy Rule jointly regulate research privacy. Although, in theory, the Privacy Rule is intended to complement the Common Rule, there are several areas in which the rules diverge. (...)
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